Internet Exchange Points
Packet Clearing House provides support both to Internet exchange facilities in the process of formation and to those that are already up and running. Although we supply the switching equipment that forms the technological core of exchanges, often our most valuable contribution is in the form of education, technical expertise, and mediation with policy and economic officials of the local government.
Some concrete examples of the support provided to Internet exchanges in the past year or two are the following:
- Facilitation of a multi-stakeholder dialogue in order to reach consensus on the establishment of an IXP in Chad - Mai 2022.
- Donation of IXP switch to N’Djamena IX in Chad and Lusaka IX in Zambia - October 2022.
- Continuous Support to Kinshasa IX (KINIX) by providing DNS and network security training to the Congolese Network community in Democratic Republic of Congo - November 2022.
- Onsite training and technical assistance to get the N’Djamena IX live in Chad - February, 2023.
As part of its research initiatives, PCH also maintains a directory of all Internet exchanges worldwide in the IXP Directory which currently has 1183 IXPs in it: