Bulk Importing of Users and Phone Lines Into the INOC-DBA Database

In cases where many users need to be imported into the INOC-DBA database all at once it is possible to run a bulk import filter. This document explains the format of the data which is acceptable for the INOC-DBA bulk import filter.

In general, to add a user and a phone to the INOC-DBA database you need at a minimum three sets of data:

We expect that in most cases if many users and their phone lines are being added in bulk, it will be for some existing organization already in the INOC-DBA database. In that case there is no need to provide organizational information - we already have it. If you want to provide bulk information for users in many organizations which are not yet in our database, the instructions are below.

Data Format

The INOC-DBA bulk import filter accepts data in CSV (Comman Separated Value) format. A good formal explanation of CSV format is available online. The INOC-DBA bulk import filter is a very simple application of CSV, so there is not much need to worry about the odd corners of the format.


The easiest way to explain is to show a couple of examples of creating a record for a user and for INOC-DBA phone lines for that user. Try importing them into Excel (or another spreadsheet) and use them as a template for your own data.

Adding a User

Here is an example of adding a user to the INOC-DBA database:

arthur,Arthur,P,Bebak,arthur@netsurf.com,408-555-1212,"333 Cobalt Way, Suite 107",,Sunnyvale,CA,94085,-8,US,eng,000,000,"Pocket Clearing House"

The first line above lists the column names. The definition of the column names and allowable values are given below. The second line shows the actual values, in standard CSV format, i.e. delimited by commas and enclosed in quotes where spaces occur in values.

Adding Phone Lines

Here is an example of adding phone lines for a user whose login is "arthur". In this case we add two phone lines (3856*272, 42*272), both associated with the same physical phone (MAC_ADDRESS = 000000000000). Obviously you should create the user before you add phone lines for that user.


The first line above again lists the column names. In this case we added two phone lines for the user with login "arthur". The MAC_ADDRESS 000000000000 is just a dummy example here, you'd use your actual phone MAC address here.

Adding Organizations

Here is an example of a data file which adds a new organization to our database.

"Pocket Clearing House","+1 415 831 3100","Presidio of San Francisco, Box 29920","572-B Ruger","San Francisco","CA","94129-0920",-8,"http://www.pch.net/","noc@pch.net",US

Definition of User Add Fields

The login id. Max length 25 characters, no spaces, any valid characters you can type on your keyboard.


The user's names. Max length 25 characters, any valid characters you can type on your keyboard.

The email address. Max length 50 characters. Must be of the form userid@domain.tld or userid@machine.domain.tld. Basically, any valid modern email address.

A valid traditional (plain old) phone number associated with the user. Max length is 20 characters. Examples: "(408) 555 1212", "+1 408 555 1212", "408-555-1212", "+1 408 555 1212 x3456". Note that the last example includes an extension.

The first two lines of the user's address. Max length is 100 characters. Basically everything before the CITY, STATE, ZIP lines (see below). ADDRESS2 may be blank, e.g. "". Theoretically you can also leave ADDRESS blank also, but don't do that - give us a good address.

The user's city. Max length is 25 characters.

An upper-case, two letter abbreviation of a state. This is ONLY valid for users who reside in the United States. Foreign users should have the STATE blank, e.g. "". The allowed state values are listed in Appendix A.

The Postal Code part of the address. In the US this is the postal ZIP code. Max length is 10 characters. This can be any set of numbers, letters, and spaces, as called for by the user's local postal system.

The user's time zone. The allowed values are listed in Appendix B, but basically consist of integers between -12 and +12 corresponding to the user's local time zone offset from GMT.

A two letter abbreviation of the user's ISO country code. The allowed values are listed in Appendix C.

A three letter abbreviation of the user's ISO language code. The allowed values are listed in Appendix D. LANGUAGEISO_1 should be the user's primary language. LANGUAGEISO_2 and LANGUAGEISO_3 may be left blank, e.g. "", or you may use them to indicate any other languages the user speaks.

The name of the organization this user belongs to. The name should match an existing name in our database, or a name in the data you provide to us for adding new organizations (e.g. see the example above).

Definition of Phone Line Add Fields

The user's login (see above). This is used to associate the user with the phone line. Obviously you should define a user before you add a phone for that user.

Each INOC-DBA phone comes with a factory set MAC address, usually indicated on a label attached to the phone. This field must contain that MAC address, typically 12 characters long. Basically this is how we associate phones with users. You may have multiple line entries associated with each phone, like in the example above where the (dummy) MAC address "000000000000" is used to create two lines associated with the same physical phone.

The ASN number associated with this user and phone, a number between 1 and 5 digits long. Typically you already know what the ASN for your organization is. If not, ask a PCH.NET representative.

A three digit extension number you want associated with this phone. Each extension must be unique, and must be exactly 3 digits long (1 and 2 digit extensions 0-99 are reserved).

The phone's time zone. The allowed values are listed in Appendix B, but basically consist of integers between -12 and +12 corresponding to the phone's local time zone offset from GMT.

Definition of Organization Add Fields

The name of the organization this user belongs to. May be up to 50 characters long.

A valid traditional (plain old) phone number associated with the organization. Max length is 20 characters. Examples: "(408) 555 1212", "+1 408 555 1212", "408-555-1212", "+1 408 555 1212 x3456". Note that the last example includes an extension.

The first two lines of the organization's address. Max length is 100 characters. Basically everything before the CITY, STATE, ZIP lines (see below). ADDRESS2 may be blank, e.g. "". Theoretically you can also leave ADDRESS blank also, but don't do that - give us a good address.

The organization's city. Max length is 25 characters.

An upper-case, two letter abbreviation of a state. This is ONLY valid for organizations with addresses in the United States. Foreign organizations should have the STATE blank, e.g. "". The allowed state values are listed in Appendix A.

The Postal Code part of the address. In the US this is the postal ZIP code. Max length is 10 characters. This can be any set of numbers, letters, and spaces, as called for by the organization's local postal system.

The organization's main time zone. The allowed values are listed in Appendix B, but basically consist of integers between -12 and +12 corresponding to the organization's local time zone offset from GMT.

The URL of the organization's web site. This may be up to 100 characters in length, and may be blank, e.g. "".

This is basically a contact address for somebody responsible for dealing with general INOC-DBA issues, including abuse of the system. Max length 100 characters. Must be of the form userid@domain.tld or userid@machine.domain.tld. Basically, any valid modern email address.

A two letter abbreviation of the organization's ISO country code. The allowed values are listed in Appendix C.

The main ASN number associated with this organization, a number between 1 and 5 digits long. Typically you already know what the ASN for your organization is. If not, ask a PCH.NET representative.

Appendix A: Allowed STATE Abbreviations

The following are allowed two letter values for the STATE field. The value "" is also allowed for users not in the US.

| STATE | Meaning              |
| VT    | Vermont              |
| AL    | ALABAMA              |
| AK    | ALASKA               |
| AS    | AMERICAN SAMOA       |
| AZ    | ARIZONA              |
| AR    | ARKANSAS             |
| CA    | CALIFORNIA           |
| CO    | COLORADO             |
| CT    | CONNECTICUT          |
| FL    | FLORIDA              |
| GA    | GEORGIA              |
| GU    | GUAM                 |
| HI    | HAWAII               |
| ID    | IDAHO                |
| IL    | ILLINOIS             |
| IN    | INDIANA              |
| IA    | IOWA                 |
| DE    | DELAWARE             |
| KS    | KANSAS               |
| KY    | KENTUCKY             |
| LA    | LOUISIANA            |
| ME    | MAINE                |
| MD    | MARYLAND             |
| MA    | MASSACHUSETTS        |
| MI    | MICHIGAN             |
| MN    | MINNESOTA            |
| MS    | MISSISSIPPI          |
| MO    | MISSOURI             |
| MT    | MONTANA              |
| NE    | NEBRASKA             |
| NV    | NEVADA               |
| NH    | NEW HAMPSHIRE        |
| NJ    | NEW JERSEY           |
| NM    | NEW MEXICO           |
| NY    | NEW YORK             |
| NC    | NORTH CAROLINA       |
| ND    | NORTH DAKOTA         |
| OH    | OHIO                 |
| OK    | OKLAHOMA             |
| OR    | OREGON               |
| PW    | PALAU                |
| PA    | PENNSYLVANIA         |
| PR    | PUERTO RICO          |
| RI    | RHODE ISLAND         |
| SC    | SOUTH CAROLINA       |
| SD    | SOUTH DAKOTA         |
| TN    | TENNESSEE            |
| TX    | TEXAS                |
| UT    | UTAH                 |
| VI    | VIRGIN ISLANDS       |
| VA    | VIRGINIA             |
| WA    | WASHINGTON           |
| WV    | WEST VIRGINIA        |
| WI    | WISCONSIN            |
| WY    | WYOMING              |

Appendix B: Allowed TIME_ZONE Abbreviations

The following are allowed intiger values for the TIME_ZONE field.

| TIME_ZONE | Meaning                          |
|  -12      | -12 International Date Line West |
|  -11      | -11 Nome                         |
|  -10      | -10 Alaska-Hawaii                |
|   -9      | -9  Yukon                        |
|   -8      | -8  Pacific                      |
|   -7      | -7  Mountain                     |
|   -6      | -6  Central                      |
|   -5      | -5  Eastern                      |
|   -4      | -4  Atlantic                     |
|   -3      | -3                               |
|   -2      | -2  Azores                       |
|   -1      | -1  West Africa                  |
|    0      |  0  Greenwich Mean               |
|    1      | +1  Central European             |
|    2      | +2  Eastern European             |
|    3      | +3  Baghdad                      |
|    4      | +4                               |
|    5      | +5  India                        |
|    6      | +6                               |
|    7      | +7                               |
|    8      | +8  China Coast/W. Austrailia    |
|    9      | +9  Japan                        |
|   10      | +10 Guam                         |
|   11      | +11                              |
|   12      | +12 International Date Line East |

Appendix C: Allowed COUNTRYISO Abbreviations

The following are allowed two letter values for the COUNTRYISO field.

| COUNTRYISO | Meaning                                      |
| AF         | AFGHANISTAN                                  |
| AL         | ALBANIA                                      |
| DZ         | ALGERIA                                      |
| AS         | AMERICAN SAMOA                               |
| AD         | ANDORRA                                      |
| AO         | ANGOLA                                       |
| AI         | ANGUILLA                                     |
| AQ         | ANTARCTICA                                   |
| AG         | ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA                          |
| AR         | ARGENTINA                                    |
| AM         | ARMENIA                                      |
| AW         | ARUBA                                        |
| AU         | AUSTRALIA                                    |
| AT         | AUSTRIA                                      |
| AZ         | AZERBAIJAN                                   |
| BS         | BAHAMAS                                      |
| BH         | BAHRAIN                                      |
| BD         | BANGLADESH                                   |
| BB         | BARBADOS                                     |
| BY         | BELARUS                                      |
| BE         | BELGIUM                                      |
| BZ         | BELIZE                                       |
| BJ         | BENIN                                        |
| BM         | BERMUDA                                      |
| BT         | BHUTAN                                       |
| BO         | BOLIVIA                                      |
| BA         | BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA                       |
| BW         | BOTSWANA                                     |
| BV         | BOUVET ISLAND                                |
| BR         | BRAZIL                                       |
| IO         | BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY               |
| BN         | BRUNEI DARUSSALAM                            |
| BG         | BULGARIA                                     |
| BF         | BURKINA FASO                                 |
| BI         | BURUNDI                                      |
| KH         | CAMBODIA                                     |
| CM         | CAMEROON                                     |
| CA         | CANADA                                       |
| CV         | CAPE VERDE                                   |
| KY         | CAYMAN ISLANDS                               |
| CF         | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC                     |
| TD         | CHAD                                         |
| CL         | CHILE                                        |
| CN         | CHINA                                        |
| CX         | CHRISTMAS ISLAND                             |
| CC         | COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS                      |
| CO         | COLOMBIA                                     |
| KM         | COMOROS                                      |
| CG         | CONGO                                        |
| CK         | COOK ISLANDS                                 |
| CR         | COSTA RICA                                   |
| HR         | CROATIA                                      |
| CU         | CUBA                                         |
| CY         | CYPRUS                                       |
| CZ         | CZECH REPUBLIC                               |
| DK         | DENMARK                                      |
| DJ         | DJIBOUTI                                     |
| DM         | DOMINICA                                     |
| DO         | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC                           |
| EC         | ECUADOR                                      |
| EG         | EGYPT                                        |
| SV         | EL SALVADOR                                  |
| GQ         | EQUATORIAL GUINEA                            |
| ER         | ERITREA                                      |
| FJ         | FIJI                                         |
| FI         | FINLAND                                      |
| FR         | FRANCE                                       |
| PF         | FRENCH POLYNESIA                             |
| TF         | FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES                  |
| GA         | GABON                                        |
| GM         | GAMBIA                                       |
| GE         | GEORGIA                                      |
| DE         | GERMANY                                      |
| GH         | GHANA                                        |
| GI         | GIBRALTAR                                    |
| GR         | GREECE                                       |
| GL         | GREENLAND                                    |
| GD         | GRENADA                                      |
| GP         | GUADELOUPE                                   |
| GU         | GUAM                                         |
| GT         | GUATEMALA                                    |
| GN         | GUINEA                                       |
| GW         | GUINEA-BISSAU                                |
| GY         | GUYANA                                       |
| HT         | HAITI                                        |
| VA         | VATICAN CITY STATE                           |
| HN         | HONDURAS                                     |
| HK         | HONG KONG                                    |
| HU         | HUNGARY                                      |
| IS         | ICELAND                                      |
| IN         | INDIA                                        |
| ID         | INDONESIA                                    |
| IR         | IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF                    |
| IQ         | IRAQ                                         |
| IE         | IRELAND                                      |
| IL         | ISRAEL                                       |
| IT         | ITALY                                        |
| JM         | JAMAICA                                      |
| JP         | JAPAN                                        |
| JO         | JORDAN                                       |
| KZ         | KAZAKHSTAN                                   |
| KG         | KYRGYZSTAN                                   |
| LA         | LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC             |
| LV         | LATVIA                                       |
| LI         | LIECHTENSTEIN                                |
| LT         | LITHUANIA                                    |
| LU         | LUXEMBOURG                                   |
| MO         | MACAO                                        |
| MG         | MADAGASCAR                                   |
| MW         | MALAWI                                       |
| MY         | MALAYSIA                                     |
| MV         | MALDIVES                                     |
| ML         | MALI                                         |
| MT         | MALTA                                        |
| MH         | MARSHALL ISLANDS                             |
| MN         | MONGOLIA                                     |
| MS         | MONTSERRAT                                   |
| MA         | MOROCCO                                      |
| MZ         | MOZAMBIQUE                                   |
| MM         | MYANMAR                                      |
| NA         | NAMIBIA                                      |
| NR         | NAURU                                        |
| NP         | NEPAL                                        |
| NL         | NETHERLANDS                                  |
| AN         | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES                         |
| NC         | NEW CALEDONIA                                |
| NZ         | NEW ZEALAND                                  |
| NI         | NICARAGUA                                    |
| NE         | NIGER                                        |
| NG         | NIGERIA                                      |
| NU         | NIUE                                         |
| NF         | NORFOLK ISLAND                               |
| MP         | NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS                     |
| NO         | NORWAY                                       |
| OM         | OMAN                                         |
| PK         | PAKISTAN                                     |
| PW         | PALAU                                        |
| PS         | PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED              |
| PA         | PANAMA                                       |
| PG         | PAPUA NEW GUINEA                             |
| PY         | PARAGUAY                                     |
| PE         | PERU                                         |
| PH         | PHILIPPINES                                  |
| PN         | PITCAIRN                                     |
| PL         | POLAND                                       |
| PT         | PORTUGAL                                     |
| PR         | PUERTO RICO                                  |
| QA         | QATAR                                        |
| RE         | RUNION                                       |
| RO         | ROMANIA                                      |
| RU         | RUSSIAN FEDERATION                           |
| RW         | RWANDA                                       |
| SH         | SAINT HELENA                                 |
| KN         | SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS                        |
| LC         | SAINT LUCIA                                  |
| PM         | SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON                    |
| VC         | SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES             |
| WS         | SAMOA                                        |
| SM         | SAN MARINO                                   |
| ST         | SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE                        |
| SA         | SAUDI ARABIA                                 |
| SN         | SENEGAL                                      |
| SC         | SEYCHELLES                                   |
| SL         | SIERRA LEONE                                 |
| SG         | SINGAPORE                                    |
| SK         | SLOVAKIA                                     |
| SI         | SLOVENIA                                     |
| SB         | SOLOMON ISLANDS                              |
| SO         | SOMALIA                                      |
| ZA         | SOUTH AFRICA                                 |
| ES         | SPAIN                                        |
| LK         | SRI LANKA                                    |
| SD         | SUDAN                                        |
| SR         | SURINAME                                     |
| SJ         | SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN                       |
| SZ         | SWAZILAND                                    |
| SE         | SWEDEN                                       |
| CH         | SWITZERLAND                                  |
| SY         | SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC                         |
| TW         | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA                    |
| TJ         | TAJIKISTAN                                   |
| TZ         | TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF                 |
| TH         | THAILAND                                     |
| TL         | TIMOR-LESTE                                  |
| TG         | TOGO                                         |
| TK         | TOKELAU                                      |
| TO         | TONGA                                        |
| UY         | URUGUAY                                      |
| UZ         | UZBEKISTAN                                   |
| VU         | VANUATU                                      |
| VE         | VENEZUELA                                    |
| VN         | VIET NAM                                     |
| VG         | VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH                      |
| VI         | VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.                         |
| WF         | WALLIS AND FUTUNA                            |
| EH         | WESTERN SAHARA                               |
| YE         | YEMEN                                        |
| YU         | YUGOSLAVIA                                   |
| ZM         | ZAMBIA                                       |
| ZW         | ZIMBABWE                                     |
| AE         | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                         |
| CI         | CTE D'IVOIRE                                 |
| EE         | ESTONIA                                      |
| ET         | ETHIOPIA                                     |
| FK         | FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)                  |
| FO         | FAROE ISLANDS                                |
| GF         | FRENCH GUIANA                                |
| KE         | KENYA                                        |
| KI         | KIRIBATI                                     |
| KR         | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF                           |
| KW         | KUWAIT                                       |
| LB         | LEBANON                                      |
| LS         | LESOTHO                                      |
| LR         | LIBERIA                                      |
| LY         | LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA                       |
| MQ         | MARTINIQUE                                   |
| MR         | MAURITANIA                                   |
| MU         | MAURITIUS                                    |
| YT         | MAYOTTE                                      |
| MX         | MEXICO                                       |
| FM         | MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF              |
| MD         | MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF                         |
| MC         | MONACO                                       |
| TT         | TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                          |
| TN         | TUNISIA                                      |
| TR         | TURKEY                                       |
| TM         | TURKMENISTAN                                 |
| TC         | TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS                     |
| TV         | TUVALU                                       |
| UG         | UGANDA                                       |
| UA         | UKRAINE                                      |
| GB         | UNITED KINGDOM                               |
| US         | UNITED STATES                                |
| 00         |                                              |

Appendix D: Allowed LANGUAGEISO_x Abbreviations

The following are allowed two letter values for the LANGUAGEISO_1, LANGUAGEISO_2, and LANGUAGEISO_3 fields. The value "" is also allowed to indicate an empty field.

| LANGUAGEISO_x | Meaning                                                    |
| abk           | Abkhazian                                                  |
| ace           | Achinese                                                   |
| ach           | Acoli                                                      |
| ada           | Adangme                                                    |
| ady           | Adygei                                                     |
| aar           | Afar                                                       |
| afh           | Afrihili                                                   |
| afr           | Afrikaans                                                  |
| afa           | Afro-Asiatic (Other)                                       |
| aka           | Akan                                                       |
| akk           | Akkadian                                                   |
| sqi           | Albanian                                                   |
| ale           | Aleut                                                      |
| alg           | Algonquian languages                                       |
| tut           | Altaic (Other)                                             |
| amh           | Amharic                                                    |
| apa           | Apache languages                                           |
| ara           | Arabic                                                     |
| arg           | Aragonese                                                  |
| arc           | Aramaic                                                    |
| arp           | Arapaho                                                    |
| arn           | Araucanian                                                 |
| arw           | Arawak                                                     |
| hye           | Armenian                                                   |
| art           | Artificial (Other)                                         |
| ast           | Assamese                                                   |
| ath           | Athapascan languages                                       |
| aus           | Australian languages                                       |
| map           | Austronesian (Other)                                       |
| ava           | Avaric                                                     |
| ave           | Avestan                                                    |
| awa           | Awadhi                                                     |
| aym           | Aymara                                                     |
| aze           | Azerbaijani                                                |
| ban           | Balinese                                                   |
| bat           | Baltic (Other)                                             |
| bal           | Baluchi                                                    |
| bam           | Bambara                                                    |
| bai           | Bamileke languages                                         |
| bad           | Banda                                                      |
| bnt           | Bantu (Other)                                              |
| bas           | Basa                                                       |
| bak           | Bashkir                                                    |
| eus           | Basque                                                     |
| btk           | Batak (Indonesia)                                          |
| bej           | Beja                                                       |
| bel           | Belarusian                                                 |
| bem           | Bemba                                                      |
| ben           | Bengali                                                    |
| ber           | Berber (Other)                                             |
| bho           | Bhojpuri                                                   |
| bih           | Bihari                                                     |
| bik           | Bikol                                                      |
| bin           | Bini                                                       |
| bis           | Bislama                                                    |
| nob           | Bokml, Norwegian                                           |
| bos           | Bosnian                                                    |
| bra           | Braj                                                       |
| bre           | Breton                                                     |
| bug           | Buginese                                                   |
| bul           | Bulgarian                                                  |
| bua           | Buriat                                                     |
| mya           | Burmese                                                    |
| cad           | Caddo                                                      |
| car           | Carib                                                      |
| spa           | Castilian                                                  |
| cat           | Catalan                                                    |
| cau           | Caucasian (Other)                                          |
| ceb           | Cebuano                                                    |
| cel           | Celtic (Other)                                             |
| cai           | Central American Indian (Other)                            |
| chg           | Chagatai                                                   |
| cmc           | Chamic languages                                           |
| cha           | Chamorro                                                   |
| che           | Chechen                                                    |
| chr           | Cherokee                                                   |
| nya           | Chewa                                                      |
| chy           | Cheyenne                                                   |
| chb           | Chibcha                                                    |
| zho           | Chinese                                                    |
| chn           | Chinook jargon                                             |
| chp           | Chipewyan                                                  |
| cho           | Choctaw                                                    |
| zha           | Chuang                                                     |
| chu           | Church Slavic                                              |
| chk           | Chuukese                                                   |
| chv           | Chuvash                                                    |
| cop           | Coptic                                                     |
| cor           | Cornish                                                    |
| cos           | Corsican                                                   |
| cre           | Cree                                                       |
| mus           | Creek                                                      |
| crp           | Creoles and pidgins(Other)                                 |
| cpe           | Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other)                 |
| cpf           | Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other)                  |
| cpp           | Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)              |
| crh           | Crimean Tatar                                              |
| hrv           | Croatian                                                   |
| cus           | Cushitic (Other)                                           |
| ces           | Czech                                                      |
| dak           | Dakota                                                     |
| dan           | Danish                                                     |
| dar           | Dargwa                                                     |
| day           | Dayak                                                      |
| del           | Delaware                                                   |
| din           | Dinka                                                      |
| div           | Divehi                                                     |
| doi           | Dogri                                                      |
| dgr           | Dogrib                                                     |
| dra           | Dravidian (Other)                                          |
| dua           | Duala                                                      |
| nld           | Dutch                                                      |
| dum           | Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)                              |
| dyu           | Dyula                                                      |
| dzo           | Dzongkha                                                   |
| efi           | Efik                                                       |
| egy           | Egyptian (Ancient)                                         |
| eka           | Ekajuk                                                     |
| elx           | Elamite                                                    |
| eng           | English                                                    |
| enm           | English, Middle (1100-1500)                                |
| ang           | English, Old (ca.450-1100)                                 |
| myv           | Erzya                                                      |
| epo           | Esperanto                                                  |
| est           | Estonian                                                   |
| ewe           | Ewe                                                        |
| ewo           | Ewondo                                                     |
| fan           | Fang                                                       |
| fat           | Fanti                                                      |
| fao           | Faroese                                                    |
| fij           | Fijian                                                     |
| fin           | Finnish                                                    |
| fiu           | Finno-Ugrian (Other)                                       |
| fon           | Fon                                                        |
| fra           | French                                                     |
| frm           | French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)                              |
| fro           | French, Old (842-ca.1400)                                  |
| fry           | Frisian                                                    |
| fur           | Friulian                                                   |
| ful           | Fulah                                                      |
| gaa           | Ga                                                         |
| gla           | Gaelic                                                     |
| glg           | Gallegan                                                   |
| lug           | Ganda                                                      |
| gay           | Gayo                                                       |
| gba           | Gbaya                                                      |
| gez           | Geez                                                       |
| kat           | Georgian                                                   |
| deu           | German                                                     |
| nds           | German, Low                                                |
| gmh           | German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)                         |
| goh           | German, Old High (ca.750-1050)                             |
| gem           | Germanic (Other)                                           |
| kik           | Gikuyu                                                     |
| gil           | Gilbertese                                                 |
| gon           | Gondi                                                      |
| gor           | Gorontalo                                                  |
| got           | Gothic                                                     |
| grb           | Grebo                                                      |
| grc           | Greek, Ancient (to 1453)                                   |
| ell           | Greek, Modern (1453-)                                      |
| grn           | Guarani                                                    |
| guj           | Gujarati                                                   |
| gwi           | Gwichin                                                    |
| hai           | Haida                                                      |
| hat           | Haitian                                                    |
| hau           | Hausa                                                      |
| haw           | Hawaiian                                                   |
| heb           | Hebrew                                                     |
| her           | Herero                                                     |
| hil           | Hiligaynon                                                 |
| him           | Himachali                                                  |
| hin           | Hindi                                                      |
| hmo           | Hiri Motu                                                  |
| hit           | Hittite                                                    |
| hmn           | Hmong                                                      |
| hun           | Hungarian                                                  |
| hup           | Hupa                                                       |
| iba           | Iban                                                       |
| isl           | Icelandic                                                  |
| ido           | Ido                                                        |
| ibo           | Igbo                                                       |
| ijo           | Ijo                                                        |
| ilo           | Iloko                                                      |
| smn           | Inari Sami                                                 |
| inc           | Indic (Other)                                              |
| ine           | Indo-European (Other)                                      |
| ind           | Indonesian                                                 |
| inh           | Ingush                                                     |
| ina           | Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) |
| ile           | Interlingue                                                |
| iku           | Inuktitut                                                  |
| ipk           | Inupiaq                                                    |
| ira           | Iranian (Other)                                            |
| gle           | Irish                                                      |
| mga           | Irish, Middle (900-1200)                                   |
| sga           | Irish, Old (to 900)                                        |
| iro           | Iroquoian languages                                        |
| ita           | Italian                                                    |
| jpn           | Japanese                                                   |
| jav           | Javanese                                                   |
| jrb           | Judeo-Arabic                                               |
| jpr           | Judeo-Persian                                              |
| kbd           | Kabardian                                                  |
| kab           | Kabyle                                                     |
| kac           | Kachin                                                     |
| kal           | Kalaallisut                                                |
| xal           | Kalmyk                                                     |
| kam           | Kamba                                                      |
| kan           | Kannada                                                    |
| kau           | Kanuri                                                     |
| krc           | Karachay-Balkar                                            |
| kaa           | Kara-Kalpak                                                |
| kar           | Karen                                                      |
| kas           | Kashmiri                                                   |
| csb           | Kashubian                                                  |
| kaw           | Kawi                                                       |
| kaz           | Kazakh                                                     |
| kha           | Khasi                                                      |
| khm           | Khmer                                                      |
| khi           | Khoisan (Other)                                            |
| kho           | Khotanese                                                  |
| kmb           | Kimbundu                                                   |
| kin           | Kinyarwanda                                                |
| kir           | Kirghiz                                                    |
| kom           | Komi                                                       |
| kon           | Kongo                                                      |
| kok           | Konkani                                                    |
| kor           | Korean                                                     |
| kos           | Kosraean                                                   |
| kpe           | Kpelle                                                     |
| kro           | Kru                                                        |
| kua           | Kuanyama                                                   |
| kum           | Kumyk                                                      |
| kur           | Kurdish                                                    |
| kru           | Kurukh                                                     |
| kut           | Kutenai                                                    |
| lad           | Ladino                                                     |
| lah           | Lahnda                                                     |
| lam           | Lamba                                                      |
| lao           | Lao                                                        |
| lat           | Latin                                                      |
| lav           | Latvian                                                    |
| ltz           | Letzeburgesch                                              |
| lez           | Lezghian                                                   |
| lim           | Limburgan                                                  |
| lin           | Lingala                                                    |
| lit           | Lithuanian                                                 |
| loz           | Lozi                                                       |
| lub           | Luba-Katanga                                               |
| lua           | Luba-Lulua                                                 |
| lui           | Luiseno                                                    |
| smj           | Lule Sami                                                  |
| lun           | Lunda                                                      |
| luo           | Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)                                   |
| lus           | Lushai                                                     |
| mkd           | Macedonian                                                 |
| mad           | Madurese                                                   |
| mag           | Magahi                                                     |
| mai           | Maithili                                                   |
| mak           | Makasar                                                    |
| mlg           | Malagasy                                                   |
| msa           | Malay                                                      |
| mal           | Malayalam                                                  |
| mlt           | Maltese                                                    |
| mnc           | Manchu                                                     |
| mdr           | Mandar                                                     |
| man           | Mandingo                                                   |
| mni           | Manipuri                                                   |
| mno           | Manobo languages                                           |
| glv           | Manx                                                       |
| mri           | Maori                                                      |
| mar           | Marathi                                                    |
| chm           | Mari                                                       |
| mah           | Marshallese                                                |
| mwr           | Marwari                                                    |
| mas           | Masai                                                      |
| myn           | Mayan languages                                            |
| men           | Mende                                                      |
| mic           | Micmac                                                     |
| min           | Minangkabau                                                |
| mis           | Miscellaneous languages                                    |
| moh           | Mohawk                                                     |
| mdf           | Moksha                                                     |
| mol           | Moldavian                                                  |
| mkh           | Mon-Khmer (Other)                                          |
| lol           | Mongo                                                      |
| mon           | Mongolian                                                  |
| mos           | Mossi                                                      |
| mul           | Multiple languages                                         |
| mun           | Munda languages                                            |
| nah           | Nahuatl                                                    |
| nau           | Nauru                                                      |
| nav           | Navaho                                                     |
| nde           | Ndebele, North                                             |
| nbl           | Ndebele, South                                             |
| ndo           | Ndonga                                                     |
| nap           | Neapolitan                                                 |
| nep           | Nepali                                                     |
| new           | Newari                                                     |
| nia           | Nias                                                       |
| nic           | Niger-Kordofanian (Other)                                  |
| ssa           | Nilo-Saharan (Other)                                       |
| niu           | Niuean                                                     |
| nog           | Nogai                                                      |
| non           | Norse, Old                                                 |
| nai           | North American Indian (Other)                              |
| sme           | Northern Sami                                              |
| nor           | Norwegian                                                  |
| nno           | Norwegian Nynorsk                                          |
| nub           | Nubian languages                                           |
| nym           | Nyamwezi                                                   |
| nyn           | Nyankole                                                   |
| nyo           | Nyoro                                                      |
| nzi           | Nzima                                                      |
| oci           | Occitan (post 1500)                                        |
| oji           | Ojibwa                                                     |
| ori           | Oriya                                                      |
| orm           | Oromo                                                      |
| osa           | Osage                                                      |
| oss           | Ossetian                                                   |
| oto           | Otomian languages                                          |
| pal           | Pahlavi                                                    |
| pau           | Palauan                                                    |
| pli           | Pali                                                       |
| pam           | Pampanga                                                   |
| pag           | Pangasinan                                                 |
| pan           | Panjabi                                                    |
| pap           | Papiamento                                                 |
| paa           | Papuan (Other)                                             |
| fas           | Persian                                                    |
| peo           | Persian, Old (ca.600-400)                                  |
| phi           | Philippine (Other)                                         |
| phn           | Phoenician                                                 |
| pon           | Pohnpeian                                                  |
| pol           | Polish                                                     |
| por           | Portuguese                                                 |
| pra           | Prakrit languages                                          |
| pro           | Provenal, Old (to 1500)                                    |
| pus           | Pushto                                                     |
| que           | Quechua                                                    |
| roh           | Raeto-Romance                                              |
| raj           | Rajasthani                                                 |
| rap           | Rapanui                                                    |
| rar           | Rarotongan                                                 |
| qaa           | Reserved for local user                                    |
| roa           | Romance (Other)                                            |
| ron           | Romanian                                                   |
| rom           | Romany                                                     |
| run           | Rundi                                                      |
| rus           | Russian                                                    |
| sal           | Salishan languages                                         |
| sam           | Samaritan Aramaic                                          |
| smi           | Sami languages (Other)                                     |
| smo           | Samoan                                                     |
| sad           | Sandawe                                                    |
| sag           | Sango                                                      |
| san           | Sanskrit                                                   |
| sat           | Santali                                                    |
| srd           | Sardinian                                                  |
| sas           | Sasak                                                      |
| sco           | Scots                                                      |
| sel           | Selkup                                                     |
| sem           | Semitic (Other)                                            |
| srp           | Serbian                                                    |
| srr           | Serer                                                      |
| shn           | Shan                                                       |
| sna           | Shona                                                      |
| iii           | Sichuan Yi                                                 |
| sid           | Sidamo                                                     |
| sgn           | Sign languages                                             |
| bla           | Siksika                                                    |
| snd           | Sindhi                                                     |
| sin           | Sinhalese                                                  |
| sit           | Sino-Tibetan (Other)                                       |
| sio           | Siouan languages                                           |
| den           | Slave (Athapascan)                                         |
| sla           | Slavic (Other)                                             |
| slk           | Slovak                                                     |
| slv           | Slovenian                                                  |
| sog           | Sogdian                                                    |
| som           | Somali                                                     |
| son           | Songhai                                                    |
| snk           | Soninke                                                    |
| wen           | Sorbian languages                                          |
| nso           | Sotho, Northern                                            |
| sot           | Sotho, Southern                                            |
| sai           | South American Indian (Other)                              |
| sma           | Southern Sami                                              |
| suk           | Sukuma                                                     |
| sux           | Sumerian                                                   |
| sun           | Sundanese                                                  |
| sus           | Susu                                                       |
| swa           | Swahili                                                    |
| ssw           | Swati                                                      |
| swe           | Swedish                                                    |
| syr           | Syriac                                                     |
| tgl           | Tagalog                                                    |
| tah           | Tahitian                                                   |
| tai           | Tai (Other)                                                |
| tgk           | Tajik                                                      |
| tmh           | Tamashek                                                   |
| tam           | Tamil                                                      |
| tat           | Tatar                                                      |
| tel           | Telugu                                                     |
| ter           | Tereno                                                     |
| tet           | Tetum                                                      |
| tha           | Thai                                                       |
| bod           | Tibetan                                                    |
| tig           | Tigre                                                      |
| tir           | Tigrinya                                                   |
| tem           | Timne                                                      |
| tiv           | Tiv                                                        |
| tli           | Tlingit                                                    |
| tpi           | Tok Pisin                                                  |
| tkl           | Tokelau                                                    |
| tog           | Tonga (Nyasa)                                              |
| ton           | Tonga (Tonga Islands)                                      |
| tsi           | Tsimshian                                                  |
| tso           | Tsonga                                                     |
| tsn           | Tswana                                                     |
| tum           | Tumbuka                                                    |
| tup           | Tupi languages                                             |
| tur           | Turkish                                                    |
| ota           | Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)                               |
| tuk           | Turkmen                                                    |
| tvl           | Tuvalu                                                     |
| tyv           | Tuvinian                                                   |
| twi           | Twi                                                        |
| udm           | Udmurt                                                     |
| uga           | Ugaritic                                                   |
| uig           | Uighur                                                     |
| ukr           | Ukrainian                                                  |
| umb           | Umbundu                                                    |
| und           | Undetermined                                               |
| urd           | Urdu                                                       |
| uzb           | Uzbek                                                      |
| vai           | Vai                                                        |
| ven           | Venda                                                      |
| vie           | Vietnamese                                                 |
| vol           | Volapk                                                     |
| vot           | Votic                                                      |
| wak           | Wakashan languages                                         |
| wal           | Walamo                                                     |
| wln           | Walloon                                                    |
| war           | Waray                                                      |
| was           | Washo                                                      |
| cym           | Welsh                                                      |
| wol           | Wolof                                                      |
| xho           | Xhosa                                                      |
| sah           | Yakut                                                      |
| yao           | Yao                                                        |
| yap           | Yapese                                                     |
| yid           | Yiddish                                                    |
| yor           | Yoruba                                                     |
| ypk           | Yupik languages                                            |
| znd           | Zande                                                      |
| zap           | Zapotec                                                    |
| zen           | Zenaga                                                     |
| zul           | Zulu                                                       |
| zun           | Zuni                                                       |